Welcome to the foster family story project. Here you will find stories of amazing foster families. CHAMPS is proud to feature these families and we invite you to join in saying #ThanksFosterFamilies for all they do to help children and families. These stories are shareable through Facebook and Twitter.

Submit a story about a foster family you know by completing this short, easy-to-use form.

For more information about CHAMPS, please visit our main website at fosteringchamps.org

Cruce Family in Florida

Cruce Family in Florida

We are passionate about building community. Foster care has been a progression for us. At first we saw it as helping one child at a time. Now we realize it is more about family, connection and relationship. We spend time immersed in each child's family and find so much joy helping children go home. We also work nationally with in Florida to help educate foster parents on the benefits of family

Forseth Family, Wisconsin

Forseth Family, Wisconsin

Being a foster parent has taught me that the lens through which I saw the world was so very small. What I thought I knew about acceptance and compassion for others was just a sliver. This experience has opened both my eyes and heart to what can be done if we dig deep, love big, and believe.

Telford Family, Foster Casa, California

Watching my family (Mom, sister, boyfriend) bond and fall in love with my kids is so special. They have gone above and beyond to support me and the children. They even make an effort after the kids are reunified. I am blessed!!!

The Robbins Family, California

After 16 years of being a foster parent to more than 40 babies and their families, my life and heart is full! My babies moved from my loving arms to many types of families, birth parents, siblings, relatives, family friends and adoptive families. Some of the most inspiring and fulfilling experiences for me and my family are watching birth parents who work hard, build resilience and reunify with their children as loving safe families! My county supports a process of partnership between birth and foster families, social workers and community members. We have recently worked together beautifully as a team to help my last little one go home to his mother! Because of this process I now have this sweet family in my life and always will...lucky me!

The Drakeford Family, Pennsylvania

I find it both a joy and pleasure to foster children and have them to feel safe and know that they have decided to trust me because they feel they are in a safe space. Sharing in their joy and seeing the smiles on their faces is such a blessing and natural feeling to know that they can have a prosperous and beneficial life. Becoming a resource parent is no easy task so therefore you must have a love of children in order become a conqueror because Love Conquers All:)

Crane Family, Arizona

Crane Family, Arizona

God placed foster and adopt on my heart when I was a kid. We adopted our youngest daughter in 2008. Then in 2016 God stirred my heart again and we adopted 4 teenagers in the last year and a half. We are blessed!

The Seabrooks from Indiana

The Seabrooks from Indiana

We never thought we could be foster parents because we wouldn't be able to handle getting attached and then having the kids leave. But we soon realized that kids in foster care deserve people who will grieve wholeheartedly when they leave. Yes, it's hard. But the kids are worth it every single time.